Backgammon theory
First table games such as backgammon, checkers and chess appeared long time ago. Practically all of them came to the present times with little changes and became very popular with funs of table strategies of all ages. At first sight backgammon is not a difficult game which demands a logical thinking on the player. Practically every person can manage it in the shortest time, and in the course of time get enough experience for playing at high level with strong opponents.
Game rules. As for the game rules, there are several varieties of them and each of that is popular in different parts of the world. Initially backgammon is the game for two opponents. In the beginning of the game each of them gets in fifteens chips of different colour. Then the chips are placed on the game field in a definite order and only after this using lots throwing, one can fix the order and the right to make the first move. In the section "Rules" you can find the information about backgammon and it's nuances which will help you to win any game.
Game strategy. In order to play an interesting game with any opponent, one will be in need of a considerable game experience, in the knowledge of the main strategies and in a logical thinking. In most of the cases the result depends exactly on player's logical calculations but not on dice combinations being rolled. It is possible to make a successful move practically in any situation. The main thing for you to do is to develop your further actions beforehand and try to predict at least partially the chip moves of your opponent so that you could break his plans. It would also be possible to get the victory while using some ruses. It should be noticed that many players of experience develop their own game tactics which can bring positive effect. However all this tactics is nothing else but derivatives from the main one presented on our resource.
Instructions and tips for the beginners. If you have just been interested in backgammon or have very little playing practice - don't hope for getting the victory in all the game at once. Backgammon is the game demanding self-control and reasonableness. Thus, having got acquainted with the rules, try just to understand the main point of the game and follow to the tips for the beginners. You will for sure get the victories having got some experience.
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