Backgammon tournaments and competitions
Do you find it boring to play single games? Start taking part in tournaments. There are backgammon tournaments of different kinds and with different prizes. There are some tournaments where it is possible to participate playing as for real as for virtual money. But the most interesting and profitable tournaments are available only while playing backgammon for real money.
Backgammon tournaments differ not only according to the number of participants and sums of money prizes but also according to the way of their realization. There are planned tournaments where it is possible to register beforehand and the tournaments of the type "sit and go" which begin as soon as there are an appropriate number of the players. Below we will make a more detailed description as for each type of backgammon tournament.
"Sit and go". These are popular tournaments with a small prize. It is possible to fulfil a lot of the tournaments of such a type simultaneously at any moment. The tournament begins as soon as the necessary number of the people (4, 6, 8 and so on) has been registered. The sum of the prize is fixed and depends only on limitation as for the players' number. There is no necessity to register several hours beforehand and wait the beginning of the tournament - everything happens quite quickly. Some tournaments of the type "sit and go" may differ according to the additional requirements to the players. Thus, it is possible to organize a tournament where only the players with ratings 1650 can take part or vice versa. Backgammon tournaments of the type "sit and go" is a wonderful opportunity to spend your free time usefully while playing an interesting game.
Event tournaments. Event backgammon tournaments take place at the time fixed beforehand. The prize is formed taking to consideration the number of registered participants. Such tournaments can continue for hours if there are a big number of the players.
Satellite tournaments. They are very similar to the event tournaments but their prize is a free entry (or a discount for a free entry) to a more advanced tournament where one would have to pay a big entry fee.
Swing-tournaments. Here each player has definite number of the chips. The game goes on till all the chips will be gathered by one player.
Knockout tournament. Backgammon tournament is divided into rounds. According to the results of the round one player from every pair should be knocked out, and another one progresses to the next round to play with the other winner and so on.
Backgammon tournaments are captivating affairs drawing your attention to the monitor for a long time. Play and win. And don't forget that there are many tournaments where not only the winner is awarded but the finalists as well. In large-scaled tournaments are awarded even up to 128 participants.

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